Switzerland: Awareness is the key to real impact 

  August 1, 2024   

Switzerland: Awareness is the key to real impact 

Switzerland: Awareness is the key to real impact 

The educational crisis gripping Pakistan has escalated to an alarming emergency, with a staggering number of children out of school. Urgent action is now imperative to raise awareness and extend support to families contending with socio-economic hurdles in sending their children to school. Our committed volunteers in Switzerland are diligently amplifying awareness about this critical social issue, both on an individual level and collectively across Geneva. They are actively engaging with both diaspora and non-diaspora communities, disseminating impactful real-life narratives showcasing how TCF has catalyzed significant transformations in the lives of its students, their families, and, ultimately, the communities where TCF schools are rooted. These enlightening sessions have served as a platform for welcoming stakeholders from the community, empowering them to actively participate and become agents of change.