
As we make our way inside TCF’s Cowasjee Campus, we spot Fizza Naz sharing a lighthearted moment with her ex-Principal in her office. Once engaged ...
Meet Javaria Yousaf, one of TCF’s extraordinary alumni determined to enlighten and empower her community in Minhala by returning to teach at the sc...
Deen Muhammad sits at his desk at TCF’s Jacobabad Campus in Village Haji Sahib Soomro.  Like other students around him, the eight year old eagerly ...
“TCF stood with me like a mother. When I gave up, when I wavered, when I lost hope, TCF stood by me like a mother would for her child”.
Hear about the journeys of several TCF School teachers, from their experiences of teacher training to testing and their little moments of pride and...
Meet Anum Fatima, a TCF Alumni whose journey began from a TCF classroom in her community to Harvard Summer School! Like many other students, Anum h...
Education is changing the lives of girls like Nadia, allowing them an opportunity to build their lives and break free from the bounds of poverty an...
TCF Water Project from The Citizens Foundation on Vimeo. TCF’s Community Development Unit (CDU) is searching for ways to provide clean and safe dri...